

I wanted to share a new post today to start this new year off right. And express how GRATEFUL I am to each and every friend, client, and talented vendor that I crossed paths in 2015.

I grew more in 2015 alone in knowledge & practice, than I did in ALL the years combined since I started my photography business. It has officially been 1 year and 10 months since I went full time focusing exclusively on photography. After years of working it part time since officially becoming a business in 2011. I am really excited for the adventures this new year holds! And feeling really blessed for all the wonderful people who made an impression on me last year.

So let me just say …YOU all are so INSPIRING to me. There are some absolutely positive encouraging human beings out there. And I am so lucky to have met some along the way. Each and every interaction shapes my perspective , growth and heart. Therefore it reflects in my photography work, how I approach a shoot and how I tell the story has DEFINITELY evolved.  All of that impact helps shape the vision of where I’m headed with this little business of mine. So in this year of 2016 I will continue to move in the direction of specializing in Weddings and documenting them with a hybrid (digital + film) style. For everyone out there who as of recent, dived into film like I did. Please know that it did not come easy for me 🙂 to say the least. There was a lot of times that I fell flat on my face! I had to learn the hard way that you simply cannot shoot film with some of the same freedoms of shooting digital. I have had a lot of learning experiences thus far. Don’t give up Its worth it if that’s the style you love!!!


Best Things I did for my business this year:


Attended some inspiring workshops with Ace & Whim, Julie Paisley Photography and Daniel Kim. Also, took a webinar put on by the “Rising Tide Society” and had some business changing moments. Information that I will be implementing this year for sure!! Love that group!


Made some wonderful new connections and friendships with some wonderful creatives. Photography can be a lonely art behind the scenes. For those of you that aren’t a husband wife team like me. GET out and connect with your industry peers. You can help each other out, share knowledge, stories and coffee.;) lol
One comment that stuck with me this year. That I couldn’t get out of my head was my mentor 1:1 session with Daniel Kim’s comment of “let your Son be your motivation, your drive for your business “…And he’s right 🙂 he totally is my drive. Successful Business to me equals more quality time at home with my son and hubby. I also joined the Rising Tide Society group on Facebook which is full of information for different businesses not just photography and has by far been one of my favorites to read.

Shooting for myself has been one of the best things I could do for my business. After all we are in a creative industry so why not get out there and create with the awesome talented vendors we have here in AZ. I feel like old school paper marketing doesn’t really connect with our current brides like it did back in the day. So this is where styled shoots come in for me for social media and online presence. It not only is an opportunity to dream up, connect with other creatives, and show your ideal client your style of shooting and what type of work you would like to put out. It has also let me get newly Inspired and try out new techniques to add to my shooting style. And it doesn’t even have to be a fully styled shoot. Even just an simple set up for a location your dying to shoot at. Go do it! 🙂

Vision & Goals for 2016

– Balance limited amounts of Weddings to enjoy quality time with my Boys!

– Enhance the client experience 🙂 .

– Blog blog blog more!!!

Again, thank you to all the wonderful people who that I was lucky to have around this year.
Cheers to a happy 2016 full of new opportunities!!


Our little guy full of energy doing his funny faces  🙂


Photo credit: 2Lulu Photography in Prescott

Favorite Quotes that I will keep in mind this year:

“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle” and “A rising tide lifts all the boats”.


Bye Bye 2015, Welcome 2016!!

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