It’s been a really special time over here welcoming our baby girl into our family! She’s finally here! It feels like I was pregnant for 2 years haha. My 1st trimester was during Spring Wedding Season and I tackled the nausea and finally she was amazing in the 3rd trimester during Fall Wedding Season and we knocked out all the weddings on our list. So So grateful for her health and for being lucky enough to work up until just days before her birth. Not everyone should or can, and of course it’s always nice to stay home and rest ;). So keep that in mind momma photographers out there. ๐Ÿ™‚ I just happen to think anything is doable until the moment comes haha.


Sadie Denise Blalock (middle name after her grandma and mom) was born November 22, 2016 in the AM . And we have been home resting and healing from the C-section surgery. I did sneak away for a wedding but we are back on maternity leave for the next few weeks. She is doing great with her beautiful head of hair that came to a surprise to her dad and i. Her brother had like no hair ๐Ÿ™‚ so we didn’t see that coming and it’s dark! Hoping she has beautiful long dark locks. Her eyes are still blue and we will see if they stick. Either way, she’s healthy and happy at home and we are so grateful for all the friends and clients gifts we received holy moly you guys are AMAZING and so THOUGHTFUL! We are so thankful for everything and I have already put her in some of the gifts and other items are already adorning her room (stuffed animals, blankets). Sadie completes our family and we are so excited to watch these two kiddos grow and experience life. Her big brother will definitely hold her hand throughout the way!

Here are a few digital snapshots I took in her room. I also shot some room details on film and sent that off in the mail! Can’t wait to get that back and show you her room. But for now these ๐Ÿ™‚ . Again thank you to everyone, and we are doing well at home. <3




The final imageย that made it on the card we are sending out to family, friends, and client friends for christmas . ๐Ÿ™‚


Behind the scenes! This kid is a hoot ๐Ÿ™‚ so much personality and was so excited to play with my light meter and see what pictures we were taking in sis’s room.




Leslie's Life

Sadie D Blalock- 1st week at home (Personal)

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