Just wanted to take a moment out of this CRAZY busy yet wonderful time of the year for everyone to say………


As behind as I am on blogging I have sworn to myself that I will take time in January to catch up and post all the new work I have to update.:) Lots and lots of Great stuff can’t wait to post!

Also, I really wanted to share some SPECIAL SPECIAL news with my clients who I love seeing year to year and also the news ones that I have been so blessed to meet this Wedding/Holiday season 2013. As many of you know already, I have been very sick for the past 3 months. But this girl is doing her best to hang in there and as a result….have learned that I need to SLOW my pace. It’s definitely been quite a change but new phases in life happen and we have to learn to adjust right :)?

All my friends and Family know that I am the girl who always has a Dutch brothers, Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts coffee in her hand as she’s driving all around town. Sprinkle in some Energy drinks to that mix….followed along with answering work emails during family dinner and Bride text messages while driving on the freeway. (My husband would kill me if he knew that one lol ;)) But yes I try to be SUPER accessible to all my clients but I learned that there’s a time and place for work just like everyone else gets to shut off their computers …leave work…and get some down time with their families at the end of the day. I guess I need that too :/ so a balance is my goal for 2014. That has been a hard lesson for me to learn as I have made my way through this season trying to put my health first and recharge my batteries in order to perform at my best. 🙂

Now that I am starting to come back to life and feeling much better as of 2 weeks ago! I am excited to announce that


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

We couldn’t be more blessed, and I wanted to share it with my special clients who have shared their stories, advice and tips to get through this very much of a roller coaster called 1st Trimester that took me for a LOOP.

Thank you for making me laugh and feel encouraged with your own stories of expecting, you guys have been great. Of course, I also THANK YOU for your patience as I try to get back to everyone’s emails and questions through this holiday season! I am happy to say even with feeling under the weather I made it through all my Weddings and Holiday appointments to see your pretty faces!! 🙂

Here is a sneak Peak of my Session with my Wonderful Wedding Photog Stacy Kokes Photography, we love her and thank her for sharing these great Milestones with us!

My Husband is over the moon with this little bundle that is coming 🙂 !We couldn’t be more thrilled, he made the first little outfit purchase.

So again to all my wonderful clients…HAPPY holidays! And THANK YOU ..THANK YOU…for all your patience, well wishes and wonderful stories you have shared with me!

Much Love,





Leslie's Life

Happy Holidays!!! Best Christmas Present ever..wanted to share.

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