Will be back to work July 15th and on!

My page has been pretty quiet since I have been on Maternity Break. πŸ™‚

Wanted to check in with all of you lovelies! I hope you are off to an AWESOME start to Summer with family, friends and vacations!! Summer Fun has started and trying to keep cool in this heat is the goal ;)!

I wanted to share a little piece of my heart ….Shea who was welcomed with SO MUCH love from all of you! He is doing Fantastic!!

I shot my last wedding at 37 weeks and as many know I was hanging in there pretty well until dun dun dun …the 39th week came went and he was still NO SHOW lol!!

Shea was born May 21st, 1 day after his due date and boy was that late enough for me! Let’s just say my unbelievably swollen feet and achy back could not go any longer. phew*

Weighing in at 9 pounds 11 oz and as his nurse said during his birth “LETS CALL IT WHAT IT IS, A 10 POUNDER” ! I agree with the nurse few more days and he would have been. Most wonderful day of our lives for his dad and I. Now we understand all of you parents out there and how you can overflow with such overwhelming LOVE for this little being. It’s just such a surreal feeling, it is definitely a new life for us with him as our center.

Nevertheless he’s healthy, eating TONS and SO LOVED!! I will share some behind the scenes every once in a while :).

Thank you all, for your sweet posts and Congratulations on his birth day!!

Anytime you want to send a new mom some tips πŸ˜‰ feel free to message me!

For those of you wondering when I will be back …OFFICIALLY JULY 15!!! PLEASE MESSAGE ME IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RESERVE YOUR SESSION SPOT NOW!! I am booking for July, August , and September! I leave you with a peek into some of the details of his room and some images of him with dad who is over the moon for Shea!

Much Love!! πŸ™‚



A few special items in the room…. Special sign by Dawn from Sassy Talk, Wonderful Crib by Grandpa himself, and lots of presents/ gifts from family and friends <3








Some recent shots of him 4 weeks old!


Leslie's Life

My little Sunshine- Shea Lucas Blalock { Back from Maternity Break- JULY 15}

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