Once in a while I will be posting about life behind the scenes. So many of my clients share their lives with me that I want to share a little of mine back. 🙂

2 months have passed now, since this bundle of joy came into our lives. Just the thought of all Tristan and I have experienced in those 2 months is unreal. I have flashbacks to the very 1st day he came home and snapping pictures of him on the ride home as he slept. Now just a few weeks later he’s smiling and reacting to our voices and I am feeling a million times better. It is so true it does get better~! Like any big life change I think a huge part of it all is adjusting to the new circumstances and learning so much as you go! I have learned so much already and I am thankful to be able to balance my photography & Family. If anything Shea has just brought me more motivation and organization when it comes to my business. I know thankfully I have that flexibility to have the best of both worlds!

Somedays I still think I am superwoman and can do it all. But even if you can doesn’t mean you should I am learning. 🙂 And this Holiday Season I will be taking only a certain amounts of Mini Sessions since I will be in Wedding Season and Life will be BUSY!!! In January the MINIS will Resume.

I definitely see my family sessions through new eyes now! Just like I saw Engagements and Weddings with a new perspective after our Wedding last October ! Its eye opening and I believe it just makes me that much more understanding and experienced in whats best for my clients.

As for Shea, he’s the answer to my prayers. Thank god after WHAT SEEMED LIKE AN ETERNAL pregnancy …I got my happy baby!! I am so fortunate for how laid back he is. He’s such a delight and unfortunately for him he will grow up being photographed constantly! Just what every BOY wants right?? 😉

What I have learned in the past 2 months…

-Moms are superhero’s we should thank them so much more often then we do!

-Having a Family is such a blessing

-Photography is my creative outlet and it’s just going to flourish even more as I grow as a person!

-Bringing a life into this world is nothing short of a miracle and boy am I just a better person for such a humbling experience!

– And DUKE..oh duke you are in for a FUN RIDE buddy when shea get’s a little older :)!! He’s going to be your world. Puppies love kids!

If you have friends and family going through new phases in life, share your experiences! Whether it be RELATIONSHIPS, LOVE AND FAMILY! I always love to hear pieces of advice!



Leslie's Life

Mr. Shea

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