My goodness where do I even begin! I’ll try to make it short and sweet! 😉 Audra and I met years back when we both did Visual Merchandising for Macys. She was humble, sweet, super talented and still is! Bryan is an amazing husband and those two together are going to make some FUN parents let me tell ya!! 😀 My little Shea might ask me why I am not as fun as them hah!

I am so honored to get to photograph this new bundle of joy that has entered their lives!!! She is beautiful, mellow and sleepy little baby! She also has quite the appetite I heard..that a girl! ;D She’s gonna grow quickly!!!


Baby’s are a blessing..and I am so glad they get to share all their love and joy with Gwen!

















And I leave you with one of my favorite shots of the morning! 🙂 I love their expressions! They are wonderful people …who are on route to being AMAZING parents! And Brian watch out because this little one is going to be a stunner! 😀

 <3 Leslie






Children, Family

Gwenyth Sky Marscovetra {Lifestyle Newborn/ Phoenix}

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