Its always an honor to have another photographer in front of my lens. 🙂 A little nerve wrecking but equally exciting because you secretly hope they will let you run with the wind and be creative haha without any crazy looks. Jessica is a phoenix wedding photographer I met in the past 6 months. I have worked with her and let me tell ya this girl is a force to be reckoned with she’s driven and creative. I am so excited for her 2016 year as this marks a new phase for her and her business.  As she recently has taken the leap to dedicate herself solely to her passion in 2016.

I love seeing Entrepreneurs making their dreams come true! It’s a lot of hard work, risky to take a jump from security but oh so rewarding. I love the Phoenix Photography community! And am so inspired by all the hard working women especially! They are proof that if you work tirelessly dreams CAN COME TRUE! I wish ya the best jess 🙂 we are cheering you on!!

“Be fearless in the Pursuit of what sets your soul on fire



Family, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Uncategorized


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